Dodge City, Kansas

Mark Faulkner, owner/broker of Faulkner Real Estate, Inc., and his southwest kansas real estate team are gearing up for this year's 3i Show in Dodge City, Kansas. They're excited to see some familiar faces and likely a lot of new ones.

Faulkner has a lot to be excited about. The last few years have been record farmland sales years for the Faulkner team of auctioneers utilizing their Private Auction sales system-a method Mark Faulkner invented 18 years ago. "The method is something I dreamed up for a multi-parcel farmland sale with farms and ranches spread over several counties and two states. The Private Auction combines the advantages of a private treaty sale with the excitement, and unlimited price potential of a public land auction- a win, win." A trained auctioneer, Faulkner discovered that the auction method was the best for getting top prices for farmland but thought it could be adapted to an even more advantageous sales system by allowing for more time to bid- and bidding by phone. Faulkner Real Estate, Inc's results speak for themselves. Last year Faulkner and his team sold farms, land and ranches for over 50 sellers in 19 counties in Kansas, Colorado and Okalhoma.

This year marks 29 years of serving the farmers and ranchers of the High Plains region for Mark and the Faulkner team. They're proud of where they are and how far they've come. They look forward to seeing the people of the High Plains at this year's 3i Show. Be sure to stop by their booth inside and register to win a Yeti Cooler!

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