Karen Yoder of Faulkner Real Estate is a licensed Kansas Realtor specializing in Residential Real Estate in Hugoton, Kansas and the surrounding area. Karen brings a great deal of experience and enthusiams with her. Look to Karen for pertinent information about home sales in her area of southwest Kansas.

If knowlege is power, reading this blog will empower you, I hope. I'm a generally inquisitive kind of guy. I like to know what is happening, and I like to analyze why it's happening. So, I've been studying our southwest Kansas, Ulysses and Hugoton home markets closely. In this blog I'll talk specifically about our small residential real estate market. I'll share some insights into why homes sell, why they don't. I'll share strategies for helping your home sell well, or to help you make a good purchase decision. I am not the all-knowing all-being REALTOR, however I've been in this industry for quite some time. Plus, I took a statistics class once in college; so surely that qualifies me.?

First let's discuss our southwest Kansas market in general. It's…

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Have you ever stepped back and thought about all of the available avenues for marketing real estate in western Kansas? Your mind can spin out of control and so can your bottom line. Do you place an ad in the paper, what about the local cable channel? Should I write a blog? Post it on Craig’s list and hope I don't get scammed? Advertising can be complicated and expensive. Luckily we've got a solution. Have a seat, pause your mind and leave it to us.


Our Marketing Mix:

  • Professional print publications
  • Newspaper advertising
  • Local cable advertising
  • Social media through Face book- ads, updates...
  • Online presence on Faulkner Real Estate and syndication through MLS, LandWatch.com, LandsofAmerica.com and their nearly 150 partner websites…

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 Ready to take your homeownership to a new level. Have questions about tax credits, energy star ratings, weighing the cost of improvements vs the benefits? Take a look at HouseLogic today. HouseLogic is a helpful website developed by the Nationa Association of REALTORS to assist homeowners with home ownership. Read more about HouseLogic below and then visit the HouseLogic website to get on your way to carefree home ownership.

The HouseLogic Story

What is HouseLogic.com?

HouseLogic is a free source of information and tools—from the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®—that can help you make smart and timely decisions about your home.  

What can HouseLogic do for me?
With content covering home improvement, maintenance, taxes, finance, insurance, and…

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For years now I have been dreaming of developing a more powerful, and useful, website for our customers. Although our market area is small by population we reach a very large geographic demographic. So, after several months of planning and talking and planning some more we have released www.faulknerrealestate.com 3.0. 

This new website offers more tools for real estate buyers and sellers in Western Kansas than ever before. Now our customers can have the most up-to-date information on residential, agricultural and commercial real estate at their fingertips. Our new site offers so many amazing features you'll have to spend some time poking around to appreciate them all. However the following will stand out to you right away:


  • Full-featured listings…

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